¿Por qué mamá lo dijo? Part I: Mamá La Mala
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¿Por qué mamá lo dijo? Part I: Mamá La Mala

My theory is that if we dissect our mother’s “porque yo lo digo,” we find the fear that is disguised as overbearing. There is so much that we think our mothers might not understand, but I believe that mothers know more than they are willing to share. No mother is la villana without reason.

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Keeping a Language Alive
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Keeping a Language Alive

An essential in the Latino identity is being able to speak Spanish. The lingering question my family has is, “¿Qué vas a hacer cuando tengas hijos y tengas que enseñarles español?”

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Shall We Vote?
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Shall We Vote?

Elections are just around the corner and the question about Latinx electoral participation that is usually repeated every four years arises again: Will we be the decisive vote in the states where it really matters or will we be irrelevant?

With 32 million Latinx eligible to vote in the elections, Spanish speakers will be the most important racial or ethnic group during an electoral process in the United States.

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America’s Bicultural Identity Challenge
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America’s Bicultural Identity Challenge

The conversation on duality is at the forefront of American politics. We see it in how political candidates attempt to reach out to minority voters.

If we don’t feel like we’re part of this country, we’re less likely to actively participate in our communities.

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