Take care of your health with the "Yo Me Cuido" health fairs.

The Pfizer Multicultural Health Equity Collective has teamed up with the Hispanic Federation to hold the "Yo Me Cuido" health fairs all over the country to help provide free health screenings to the community and help connect people with the care they need.

Amarilis shares her reasons for being attentive to her health and keeping up with her regular check-ups. As a Latina, she understands the prevalence of certain chronic conditions in her community, such as diabetes and heart disease, and the importance of staying informed and finding resources to improve her health and that of her family.

Through the "Yo Me Cuido" health fairs, people can now better access health information and resources to help make better choices about their health and their lives.

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Hispanic Federation (HF) is the nation’s premier Latino nonprofit membership organization. Founded in 1990, HF seeks to empower and advance the Hispanic community, support Hispanic families, and strengthen Latino institutions through work in the areas of education, health, immigration, civic engagement, economic empowerment, & the environment.

For more information, click here!

Find assistance that's right for you - Pfizer RxPathways can connect eligible patients to assistance programs that offer insurance help, copay support, and free or reduced-price medications. For more information, click here.