Artist Snapshot: with Chelsea Rendon

You might have noticed that I've spoken to amazing Latinx creatives on this show. From all walks of life y de distintos colores y sabores. 

We want to keep highlighting them! So, apart from our regular episodes, we will also feature snapshots of Latinx artists who are filling the world with their color y pasión.

On this episode of LatinEQUIS, I speak with Chelsea Rendon about supporting Latinx content as well as the upcoming movie, The Tax Collector in which she plays Lupe, a badass Latina directed by David Ayer known for directing Fury, Suicide Squad, and Birds of Prey.

The Tax Collector stars Shia LaBeouf, Bobby Soto, George Lopez, and Cynthia Carmona. 

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First but Not the Last


Living Outside of the Box