The Choices You Make

For the first time in the history of United States elections, Latinx will be the largest minority group in the country with a record 32 million eligible voters. 

The issue that Latino-serving organizations face is getting these 32 million eligible voters to actually go out and vote. And that's probably why it's important to take a look at the Bernie Sanders campaign. 

In this year's primaries, Bernie Sanders won huge levels of support from Latinx voters. In Nevada, Bernie won 53% of the Latino vote... to put that in perspective, his closest competitor was Joe Biden, with 17%. Then, in California, Bernie won 49% of the Latino vote and 39% in Texas. 

In short, Bernie Sanders was very popular among Latinos. And in 2019, Bernie was ahead of all other presidential candidates in the Latino vote...How did he do it?

Do Latinos vote but haven't found a candidate in the past that they feel represents them?


On this episode of LatinEQUIS, I speak with Chuck Rocha, a political consultant, author and former Senior Campaign Advisor to the Bernie Sanders campaign about making tough decisions, going into politics, second chances, and the Latino vote.


You can pre-order Chuck Rocha's book, "Tio Bernie: The Inside Story of How Bernie Sanders Brought Latinos Into the Political Revolution" on Amazon and Barnes & Noble or find it at


Living Outside of the Box


Artist Snapshot: with Cindy Fernandez-Nixon