
Copy of Orange and Dark Blue Debate Team Poster.png


A weekly political segment where we discuss issues that matter to us. Representing the left is former Congressman and outspoken progressive Luis Gutierrez. Representing the right is former Univision TV host and President of the Koch Brothers’ Libre Initiative, Daniel Garza. As they lock heads around the hottest topics of the week, they give viewers concrete reasons to WANT to vote.

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Segment 01

Let’s talk about the Democratic National Convention!

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Segment 02

Let’s talk about the Republican National Convention!

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Segment 03

Luis and Daniel discuss the Job Market and Undocumented Social Workers. This episode features President of United Farm Workers Teresa Romero.

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Segment 04

We discuss Latinx voter demographics and COVID-19. This episode features Hispanic spokesperson for the Trump campaign, Mercedes Schlapp.

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Segment 05

Should President Trump nominate a Supreme court justice before elections, or should he wait until the next term and let whoever is elected president decide?

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Segment 06

What do you think of Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination as the Supreme Court Justice who will replace RBG?

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Segment 07

President Trump tested positive for Covid-19. As we near the final weeks before the November 3rd elections… Do you think this will affect the outcome of the elections and if so, how?

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Segment 08

We’re nearing election day, and almost all the polls show that Biden is about 10 points ahead of Trump, in the final weeks before election day, what factors could tip the scale of this election?

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Segment 09

On the last episode before election day, we talk about what why our votes matter.